King Kanthong Bolong

Science of Kanthong Bolong: Caring for fellow human beings, if it has some real, others would come to taste. Not only for himself but also for the poor. Not just for one group but for all.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Shufi Insulting the Clerics

In the Book of Lujainid Danie about Karamah told that in the recitation Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Gilani hundred scholars jurists came from Baghdad and surrounding areas to ask the problem of Islamic law. Each scholar had prepared one question so that the number of questions asked there are a hundred problems.

Then Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Gilani arrived in Majlis recitation then saw the presence of a hundred scholars. Then he chest burning with rage and emit light lightning hundred scholars and resulted in their missing sense and become dazed. They were screaming - screaming hysterically, throwing turban - their turban and tore - tore their clothes till almost of them naked in the middle of the present study that large amounts.

Then Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Gilani answer questions one by one from a hundred scholars thoroughly.

This saga read and heard by hundreds of millions of Muslims and among them many who read more than a hundred times so that their faith is more solid and steady that Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Gilani was Mayor Quthub who will grant their prayers.
Therefore, after reading this saga they pray to their guardian spirits among others reads:

"O Wali Quthub , O Wali Nujaba , O leader of the saints, O beloved guardian, come here and help us."

The author does not deny that Allah SWT give to the guardian of his Karamah like Omar bin Khaththab RA while give his khuthbah in the mosque, then give the command of the Islamic forces who were fighting against the Persian army which ended with the fall of the Persian empire though ever victorious over thousands of years.
The authors believe that Umar ibn Khaththab is Wali Allah because Khaththab is witnessed by the Prophet Muhammad, including ten companions who enter heaven without reckoning and including Khulafa'ur Rasyidin who receive guidance and Sunnah should be followed after him. As the hadith narrated by Ibn Majjah from friends Irbad bin Sariyah RA.

وسترون من بعدي اختلافا شديدا, فعليكم بسنتي, وسنة الخلفاء الراشدين المهديين, عضوا عليها بالنواجذ, وإياكم والأمور المحدثات, فإن كل بدعة ضلالة.

And you'll see a lot of disputes after me, then you must hold on to sunnahku and Sunnah Khul \ afa'ur Rasyidin who receive guidance. Gigitlah Sunnah - Sunnah with gerahangmu teeth, and careful - careful you against things - things that diada - inventions. Surely every innovation is misguidance. (Narrated by Ibn Majjah of Irbad bin Sariyah).

Saga fake like this is a way Murshid tariqah and students to idolize their Great Murshid for Muslims who lack knowledge of their religion, believe that the Supreme Murshid Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Gilani was Mayor Quthub al Ghauts are able to grant their prayer .

The Murshid tariqah and students often make up a story - a hoax and fatwas that deviate from Islamic law and degrading the scholars. For example, learn worship of Murshid tariqah it a thousand times greater than learn from scholars. As mentioned in the book written by Anwar Abu Qasim as Suhaili and in the book written by Shaykh ad Kifayatul Atqiyah Dimyati;

ركعة من عارف أفضل من ألق ركعة من عالم

One raka'at of a Arif more than a thousand raka'at a scholar.

Likewise in the Book of Thabaqatusy Sya'rani fatwa quoting Supreme Murshid Sheikh Junaid al Baghdadi;

المريد الصادق غني عن علم العلماء وإذا أراد الله بالمريد خيرا أوقعه إلى الصوفية ومنعه عن صحبة القراء

Pupils who do not need science scholars. And if Allah willed God's goodness to him, then set them on tashawwuf and prevent associate ourselves with experts al Qur'an.

They forget that the insult scholars is a major sin, because scholars are people - people who given by God as the inheritors of the prophets that science should be retrieved and used to handle life in the world. As in a hadith narrated by Abu Dawud, at Tirmidhi and Ibn Majjah of companions Abu Darda 'that the Prophet SAW said,

فضل العالم على العابد كفضل القمر على سائر الكواكب, إن العلماء هم ورثة الأنبياء, وإن الأنبياء لم يورثوا دينارا ولا درهما, إنما ورثوا العلم, فمن أخذه أخذ بحظ وافر.

Primacy of the knowledgeable and expert virtue of worship is like the moon against the stars. Indeed scholars' are the inheritors of the prophets, and indeed the prophets did not bequeath the dinar and dirham, but they pass on knowledge. Any person who takes his knowledge then he has taken part of many. (Narrated by Abu Dawud, at Tirmidhi and Ibn Majjah from Abu Darda 'RA.)

They deliberately forget that the study of religion to the clerics' the ideology of al-Qur'an and Sunnah as well as extensive knowledge so that a faqih is the main worship than the worship - worship the other. As word of the Prophet Muhammad in the hadith narrated by Faith at Tirmidhi from Abu Hurairah RA companions,

ما عبد الله بشيء أفضل من فقه في الدين

There is no worship to God a more mainstream than the understanding of religious affairs. (Narrated by Tirmidhi from Abu Hurayrah at)

They forget that the pious to Allah is the ulama ', and the best people in this world is people - people who understand al Qur'an and Sunnah as well as in the science of religion, not the other. As Allah Almighty in Surat al Fathir verse 28,

إنما يخشى الله من عباده العلماء

Indeed servants who fear God just clerics' (Surah Fathir: 28)

And the words of the Prophet Muhammad in a hadith Sahih Bukhari and Muslim from Muawiyah RA,

من يرد الله به خيرا يفقهه في الدين

He who willed by God to be good, then God gives him understanding in religious affairs. (Narrated by Bukhari from Muawiyah RA).

What the Murshid tariqah and students that is spreading aga lie is insulting clerics and fatwas - the fatwa that deviate from Islamic law of Murshid Supreme those who humble cleric 'will plunge the majority of Muslims into a major sin.
To save the Muslims from the acts of sin that has been around the life of this world, the Prophet SAW said in a hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad, al Hakim and al-Bazar of friends Ubadah bin Shamid,

ليس من أمتي من لم يجل كبيرنا ويرحم صغيرنا ويعرف لعالمنا حقه

Not including my people who do not respect the older and younger people do not cherish and do not know rights - the right of the 'ulama' (Narrated by Ahmad, al Hakim and al-Bazar of Ubadah bin Shamid RA.)

Fatwa of the Murshid tariqah above many written in the books of book tariqah. Fatwa - such a fatwa is believed the truth by all the students out of the oral tariqah because they believe the great Murshid as Mayor Quthub who received inspiration from Allah SWT.

Though this fatwa clearly oppose Allah and his Prophet, because there are hundreds of verses of Qur'an which commands Muslims to learn and understand al-Qur'an, perform the command and away from its ban and follow the instructions. For example the word of Allah SWT in the letter at Tauba verse 122,

وما كان المؤمنون لينفروا كافة فلولا نفر من كل فرقة منهم طائفة ليتفقهوا في الدين ولينذروا قومهم إذا رجعوا إليهم لعلهم يحذرون

Not fitting for a believing people that go all (the battlefield). Why not go from each group among them some people to understand the religious affairs and to give warning to his people when they have returned to him, so that they can maintain themselves.(Surat At-Tauba: 122).
And the word of the Prophet Muhammad in the hadith narrated by Imam Ibn Majjah of companions Abu Dharr al Ghifari,

يا أبا ذر, لأن تغدو فتعلم آية من كتاب الله, خير لك من أن تصلي مئة ركعة

O Abu Dharr, if you come early - morning and then you learn the verses of Qur'an, then it is better than a hundred thou pray raka'at. (Narrated by Ibn Majjah from Abu Dharr al Ghifari).

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